Latest Episodes

Not My Finest Hour - Old Tits and Tupperware
The Book Whisperers discuss the benefits and pitfalls of Tupperware and throw in the odd tit in the process. There may be a few...

Not My Finest Hour - Mince Pies In The Cakehole
The Book Whisperers are BACK with a Christmas special to launch our new series of podcasts, called 'Not My Finest Hour'. This month we...

Inspiration and Reconnecting
With the first podcast of 2021 - Susan, Mary and Lea got together with Tom Rannachan - life coach, personal trainer and all around...

Writing as Therapy
# Writing as Therapy Reading and writing have been proven to have immense therapeutic properties. Until we started talking about it we didn't realise...

Gifting Books
What makes a good gift book and how can you make a book more giftable? With Christmas coming around the corner The Book Whisperers...

Making Time to Write
Being writers we are very creative people - which can be a challenge when it comes to the more practical side of our work...