Latest Episodes
Writing Tips - Show don't Tell
*Showing and not Telling - a golden rule of writing. * This week the Whisperers are talking about writing tips using body language to...
Writing Horror
This week being around Halloween, we are talking about horror writing and frightening stories. Joining us is Mary's daughter, Robyn, who has an extensive...
Writing across Genre
# Refresh your writing through crossing genres This episode is NOT FOR KIDS! This week we are talking about mixing it up to refresh...
Writing for an Audience
This week's podcast is our first done remotely after hours (several) of set up with Hamish, our sound expert, who has the patience of...
Performance Tips for Writers
# PERFORMANCE TIPS Sue, Mary and Lea having a chat about all things books - this weeks theme is performance. As authors we are...
Writing in Collaboration
# COLLABORATION Lea, Mary and Sue having a chat about all things books - this weeks theme is collaboration. As authors we usually work...